maple leaf
maple leaf


Agrology is a provincially regulated profession across Canada. Every province has its own Agrologists Act, regulatory body and registration requirements. Each provincial institute regulates its registered members to ensure they provide the public with safe, competent and ethical practice.

10,000+ Professional Agrologists are registered in Canada.

NFLDNewfoundland and Labrador Institute of Agrologists

  • Governed by the Agrologists Act
  • Act is Right to Title, only registered members in good standing may use the designation Agrologist, Professional Agrologist (P.Ag), Articling Agrologist (A.Ag)
  • Designations included Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) and Agrologist in Training (AIT)

Nova ScotiaNova Scotia Institute of Agrologists

  • Governed by the Agrologists Act (1989)
  • Act is Right to Practice, no person may practice agrology who is not a registered member in good standing under the Act
  • Designations include Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) and Agrologist in Training (A.Ag)

PEIPrince Edward Island Institute of Agrologists

  • Governed by the Agrologists Act
  • Act is Right to Practice, no person may practice agrology who is not a registered member in good standing under the Act
  • Designations included Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) and Agrologist in Training (AIT)

New BrunswickNew Brunswick Institute of Agrologists

  • Governed by the Agrologists’ Profession Act (2004)
  • Act is Right to Practice, no person shall practice agrology unless registered in good standing with the institute
  • Designations include Professional Agrologist (P.Ag), agronome (agr), Articling Agrologist (A.Ag), agronome en formation

Ordre des agronomes du Québec

  •  Governed by the Loi sur les agronomes (2012)
  • Loi sur les agronomes is Right to Practice legislation as only agronomes (agr) are allowed to perform an agrology act in Quebec
  • Designation is agronome (agr)


OntarioOntario Institute of Agrologists

Manitoba Institute of Agrologists

  • Governed by the Agrologists Act (2008)
  • Act is Right to Practice, registration is required to legally practice agrology
  • Designations and titles: Professional Agrologist (P.Ag), Technical Agrologist (Tech.Ag) and Agrologist in Training – restricted use


SaskSaskatchewan Institute of Agrologists

  • Governed by the Agrologists Act.
  • Act is Right to Practice requiring that anyone practicing agrology must register.
  • Designations include Professional Agrologist (PAg), Articling Agrologist (AAg), Technical Agrologists (TechAg), and Articling Technical Agrologists (ATechAg).


British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA)

  • Governed by the Professional Governance Act
  • Act is Right to Title
  • Registered members in good standing may use the their appropriate designation:  Professional Agrologist (PAg), Technologist in Agrology (TAg), Articling Agrologist (AAg) or Articling Technologist in Agrology (ATAg).



We care for the food you eat and the land on which it grows icon_video

wheat field


Agrology professionals make change for the better icon_article



Agrologists Canada is working to harmonize registration requirements icon_article