10,000+ Professional Agrologists are registered in Canada.
Newfoundland and Labrador Institute of Agrologists
- Governed by the Agrologists Act
- Act is Right to Title, only registered members in good standing may use the designation Agrologist, Professional Agrologist (P.Ag), Articling Agrologist (A.Ag)
- Designations included Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) and Agrologist in Training (AIT)
Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists
- Governed by the Agrologists Act (1989)
- Act is Right to Practice, no person may practice agrology who is not a registered member in good standing under the Act
- Designations include Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) and Agrologist in Training (A.Ag)
Prince Edward Island Institute of Agrologists
- Governed by the Agrologists Act
- Act is Right to Practice, no person may practice agrology who is not a registered member in good standing under the Act
- Designations included Professional Agrologist (P.Ag) and Agrologist in Training (AIT)
New Brunswick Institute of Agrologists
- Governed by the Agrologists’ Profession Act (2004)
- Act is Right to Practice, no person shall practice agrology unless registered in good standing with the institute
- Designations include Professional Agrologist (P.Ag), agronome (agr), Articling Agrologist (A.Ag), agronome en formation
- Governed by the Loi sur les agronomes (2012)
- Loi sur les agronomes is Right to Practice legislation as only agronomes (agr) are allowed to perform an agrology act in Quebec
- Designation is agronome (agr)
Ontario Institute of Agrologists
- Governed by the Ontario Institute of Professional Agrologists Act (2013)
- Act is Right to Title, only registered members in good standing may use the terms Profession Agrologist (P.Ag), Technical Agrologist (T.Ag), or Articling Agrologist (A.Ag)
Manitoba Institute of Agrologists
- Governed by the Agrologists Act (2008)
- Act is Right to Practice, registration is required to legally practice agrology
- Designations and titles: Professional Agrologist (P.Ag), Technical Agrologist (Tech.Ag) and Agrologist in Training – restricted use
Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists
- Governed by the Agrologists Act.
- Act is Right to Practice requiring that anyone practicing agrology must register.
- Designations include Professional Agrologist (PAg), Articling Agrologist (AAg), Technical Agrologists (TechAg), and Articling Technical Agrologists (ATechAg).
British Columbia Institute of Agrologists (BCIA)
- Governed by the Professional Governance Act
- Act is Right to Title
- Registered members in good standing may use the their appropriate designation: Professional Agrologist (PAg), Technologist in Agrology (TAg), Articling Agrologist (AAg) or Articling Technologist in Agrology (ATAg).