At the 2016 Annual General Meeting in Montreal was our last opportunity to hear René Mongeau at the AAC Board table. René has been representing OAQ for the past seven years. In 2014, he became the Chair of AAC.
Upon leaving, he transferred his passionate commitment to the group: “I leave the national table but the idea of no longer representing the agrology profession is far from my mind. Seven years with you have allowed me to strengthen my arguments for promoting the importance of the profession. I intend to share my vision at every occasion and remind anyone who listens that “agrologists feed the world.”
David Lloyd honored René as the outgoing chair of AAC: “René will be remembered as a collaborator, a peace maker and one who promoted inclusive participation by all AAC board members. His encouraging friendly nature allowed AAC board members to engage in equal and recognized representation”. On behalf of the board, David presented the glass Inuksuk to René, as a souvenir and gesture of gratitude for his engagement. AAC members wish the best to René as he continues his mission as President of OAQ, and as a thoughtful husband, father and grandfather.
Guillaume LaBarre joins us as the new delegate from OAQ. Guillaume became General Manager of OAQ in September 2013. The close relationship with René as President of OAQ allowed him to be well aware of AAC’s mission and projects. Welcome aboard Guillaume!