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maple leaf

Canadian Plant Health Council’s survey for growers on biosecurity


Canadian Plant Health Council’s survey for growers on biosecurity

Risk management, including  the use of plant health biosecurity practices, protects growers’ farms and profits. How do you protect your crops against plant pests? Complete this short survey to help Canadian growers like you!

This survey is being distributed on behalf of the Canadian Plant Health Council. The Council is made up of industry, academic, and provincial and federal government representatives and is mandated to work on mutual plant health priorities.  The information collected through this survey will be used by the Council to develop targeted campaigns promoting agricultural biosecurity among Canadian growers. Participation is voluntary, confidential and anonymous.

The survey was created to broadly represent all Canadian growers and should take you less than 8 minutes to complete and may be accessed using the following link:

Please feel free to get in touch with the project leads via their contact information below if you have any questions about this survey. We look forward to reading your survey responses!

Project leads:

  1. Tanya Warren, Crop Assurance Program Specialist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry,; 780-643-9486
  2. Sarah Jandricic, Greenhouse Floriculture IPM Specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,; 905-562-4141 x106
  3. Tanya Fielding, Canadian Plant Health Secretariat/ Secrétariat du Conseil canadien de la santé des végétaux, / Tel: 613-282-9501
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