Floods, carbon, ducks and trails: Quantifying and communicating wetland ecosystem services in Atlantic Canada
March 23, 2021 – 11:00am(PDT/PST)
Presented by Emma Bocking, Ducks Unlimited Canada
Rapid functional assessment tools like WESP (Wetland Ecosystem Services Protocol) give the ability to quantify
several wetland functions and benefits, such as water storage, carbon sequestration and public use. The next step is to communicate the value of these functions to different stakeholders. Using examples from DUC’s work in Atlantic Canada, we’ll explore the use of WESP in a land-use planning context, the need to prioritize the conservation of wetland sites based on stakeholder preference; and how to communicate wetland ecosystem services to project partners and the public.
For more information, and to register, go to https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/march-2021-wetland-knowledge-exchange-webina…