Each month, the Quebec section of the Ordre des agronomes du Québec acknowleges a Professional Agrologist. Nicolas Tremblay, PAg, is recognized for May 2020.
Nicolas Tremblay, PAg, Provincial Advisor, Beekeeping, has been based at the Deschambault Animal Science Research Center since 2006, and offers individual and collective beekeeping advisory services throughout the province. He is the only agrologist to provide beekeeping advice in Quebec. A great networker, he has become a reference in the field. Since that time, he has also collaborated and directed several research and technological transfer activities aimed, in particular, at the health and protection of bees, the seasonal management of hives, the development of northern beekeeping on the North Shore and improving pollination services for blueberries and cranberries.
Mr. Tremblay is responsible for the development of the ApiProtection application, a Quebec application for geolocation of apiaries developed with a view to protecting bees, specifically intended for beekeepers, agronomists advising in plant production and veterinarians of the MAPAQ beekeeping network. This tool mainly targets the location of apiaries in order to locate and send a notice, from the agronomist to the beekeeper, if an application of pesticides is necessary near an apiary or if coated seeds are used in certain fields.
Since 2009, Tremblay has also offered wild blueberry and cranberry producers a service to inspect the vigor of hives during pollination, which allows them to qualify the quality of pollination and establish the price to be paid. the beekeeper for hire. This inspection has also favored, over the years, an improvement in the quality of the hives brought in for pollination.
In addition, he has been a teacher at the Collège d’Alma since 2014 in the program for obtaining college accreditation (AEC) in operating a beekeeping business, with training given online.
Visit the original post from OAQ HERE.